Momentary vs Eternal – Love
These walls, the distance and the pain are momentary, illusionary and ugly. Believe me, once again on the clouds you will ride and come to my world, to meet me on that side. Let fate have this round and rejoice,…
These walls, the distance and the pain are momentary, illusionary and ugly. Believe me, once again on the clouds you will ride and come to my world, to meet me on that side. Let fate have this round and rejoice,…
My ambition, perhaps, was a little late and I might accept it, unwillingly, as my unfortunate fate. As I walk into the ocean of the infinite, I realise it will be (and has to be) an eternal fight (to…
You are the life that I lived And rest of it was a history I never wrote nor read Shall we ever meet again? I believe that would ease the pain And let me and you live That life…
प्रतीक्षा की बहुत अब तक, और स्वप्न देखे ना जाने कितने! प्रेम की ये प्रतिध्वनि, तुम्हारी मुखाकृति का वो प्रतिविम्ब आज भी ह्रदय में मेरे सुसज्जित हैं, यथावत। किन्तु अब, जब पुनः सामने लाया तुम्हें मेरे प्रारब्ध, तब, और विलम्ब…
beauty alone cannot convey what a beautiful heart may do. falling in love too easy but to go through the tunnels of torment that lead to perfection, is tough. believe me - I say, it's true. learn to embrace…
I see you leave, once again. I see you go away like a stranger turns back on another one. Believe me, there's no pain this time. What was sweet and charming between us is gone, gone with the flow.…
Let the love not die today or tomorrow or ever in life. Let the love between us not die. Let it be the ocean it is and swallow the mistakes made by you and me. Let us try and…
Long ago, the story began with a pretty maiden and a faithful, lunatic man. Entirely unknown to each other, they knew the wishes of fate neither. The moon was there to soothe and the Sun was meant to shine…
Avowed and yet disowned; won and yet lost; flying and yet trapped; loved and yet alone; a silent tongue that makes much noise and defeats my deaf ears, and my body that does not soothe my soul anymore but still,…
मैं चला था अपने पथ पर, गंतव्य की खोज में निकला था। मुड़ा फिर, अचानक, हँसा, रोया। फिर मुड़ा हूँ अभी, पड़ाव का अंत! फिर चला हूँ अपने पथ पर और बिना मुड़े अब पहुँचना है, भाग्य-निहित गंतव्य तलाशना…