I don’t remember her eyes – a poem
I don't remember her eyes. I don't remember those dark, big and beautiful eyes. I don't remember at all how they pushed me to a state of surmise - I really don't remember! Believe me; I don't. for M…
I don't remember her eyes. I don't remember those dark, big and beautiful eyes. I don't remember at all how they pushed me to a state of surmise - I really don't remember! Believe me; I don't. for M…
December has gone, long ago, and I am alone once more because you have turned your eyes from me once again. January passed like a feeble man on death bed passes away sans noise and movement. And February is here,…
"You say you love; but with a voice" is a love poem by John Keats which is believed to be composed in the year 1817 most probably while some scholars also claim that the year may well be 1818. There…
कह दूँ भी तुम्हें तो किन अल्फ़ाजों में की दिल ने मेरे बस कैसे चुना है तुम्हें? अब तो प्यास भी जैसे सुकून सी लगती है जबसे तुम्हारी धड़कनों में भी अपना ही नाम सुना मैंने! अब तो तुम…
Sunshine the winter sky blue and wide blue wind rushes sweeping the lousy leaves fallen off trees and my memories too. Life - loss and gain pleasure and pain draught and rain and every summer is followed by this winter,…
Stranger, why does your shadow linger day and night and reminds me of the super-subconscious desire? Do I know you? Don't I really know you? Stranger, why does your silhouette appear even in the shadowy evenings when eyes seldom differentiate…
"No! I shall never go back! "Never shall I! "I never shall go "to that street again!" Firm was his choice and flawed was his fate. Who could ever rejoice standing on the heaven's gate? Tell me any single…
Never too close, you were to my heart, the heart which could not be close to my soul, and soul which couldn't be mine ever. What had I to lose? What best could I get? And who defines the…
Shall I? Will You? Well, though I know the soul is immortal, yet, to get ashore of the vale of mortality, it needs another fragment of the whole of purity. So, where to find you, dear love? Though I see…