Alok Mishra

AppWapsi Snapdeal and Aamir Khan Stunned

AppWapsi A Great Way to Protest India

For the first time, I have witnessed the real war of roses by great fellow Indians. Yes, return it in the style. The idea of AppWapsi will show them what we can do. Very good job, dear Proud Indians. Let us show them India is tolerant; India has given you in billions; India will not say you anything, in spite of your so much boorish and baseless a remark, but, at the same time, India will not remain silent. We will raise a voiceless whisper, mr. Aamir khan! You sell dil ki deal on your snapdeal, but you have broken all the hearts of every single Indian who is proud of our so great a nation. Dilon ko todke ap deal kaise karoge? This great campaign on twitter and social platforms have made me very happy! Indeed, the idea of AppWapsi campaign is so nice that I cannot express my happiness in mere words.

On the factual point of view, I just cannot find why Aamir Khan, who sometimes ago pretended that he is the only saviour of this nation with his Satyamev Jayate, made such a baseless remark that India has become intolerant. Dear Aamir, really? Has India become intolerant? We will let you know how tolerant we are by remaining in our houses and not going to cinema halls when your movie is released. You have insulted this nation with your words. If you wish, please go to any country you so much intellectual wife (who runs in BMW) says. Yes, in fact, she is your director, and you are an actor. You will act according to her, this is the real dil ke deal!

Whatsoever, I just loved the way Indians have protested against Aamir Khan’s insult to the nation. These film actors are just trying to spread something that does not exist. They are trying to make an air of intolerance by always reiterating their agenda.

Thank you pseudo-intellectual Indians for the AwardWapsi campaign. I salute you all #Sickulars (Just being sarcastic)! You have given us a nice lesson!

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