Alok Mishra

AdBlock Extension Sold Ads Allowed

Chrome Extension AdBlock allows ad program

Mystery Buyer Owns Popular AdBlock Extension

Gone are the days when you easily got rid of annoying ads while browsing the web with google chrome. Yes, AdBlock Extension has sold itself to an unknown buyer, and for monetary purposes, it’s now participating in ‘accepted ad programs’. The idea is clear; you will have to bear the advertise on certain websites!

As claimed by the owner of popular AdBlock extension, it has more than 40 million active users. Participation by the new mystery owner in allowed ads program will affect all the chrome users who trusted AdBlock for an ad-free browsing. I will share my experience with you about this new AdBlock policy. With the extension turned on, Google can still display some ads – one on the top and other at the bottom. You can see the screenshot as proofs:

Are you ready for the older days of browsing? Few years back, when we did not have the luxury of AdBlock, a webpage was full of annoying advertisements distracting our attention from the main content of the webpage. With this newest deal in the news these days, I guess those annoying days of web-browsing are going to return once again. The internet surfers will need another messiah to write an extension once again for the philanthropic purpose.

However, on the other side, AdBlock was being the ‘major pain’ for the commercial websites who relied upon advertising for their business. There must have been a deal under the table that compelled the original chrome extension writer to sell out. Whatever be the case, it’s a win situation for the ‘big brand’ websites and loss for the ‘serious’ net surfers who felt secure with the AdBlock extension turned on in chrome browser. I simply wish the both – seller and the buyer best of luck in their future venture. Let us see what this new allowed ad policy brings to the world of internet.

Sources Used:

The Register News

The Next Web News

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